Saturday, June 09, 2007

Conférence par Najaf Haider lundi 11 juin à 18h

« Money and Accumulation in Indian Islam: Two Views from Fourteenth Century Delhi » by Dr Najaf HAIDER, associate professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi.

There are two hungry wolves in our society, money and status”

[Ibn Hanbal, Musnad 1993: 456].

Historians of medieval India have devoted considerable attention to the role of money as an instrument of economic organization and change. Very little of it is, however, related to the impact of monetization on moral opinions and social attitudes. In medieval Europe, the spurt of commercialization and monetization after 1000 AD dislodged pride as the top cardinal sin and replaced it with avarice. At the same time, monetization made possible the acceptance of a profit economy even among scholastics, and, by inducing a new rationality and mental arithmetic, created further space for monetization. Whichever way the equation worked, it is difficult to deny that the presence and use of money impose new ways of thinking about the world. This paper is an attempt to argue that position in the case of medieval India by examining two sets of ideas and opinions on money and accumulation expressed by a fourteenth century Muslim intellectual, Ziyauddin Barani, and his contemporary mystic, the famous Chishti saint, Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya. (Najaf Haider)

Date :

Lundi 11 juin 2007, de 18h à 20h

Lieu :

Université de La Sorbonne
17, rue de la Sorbonne
Esc. E, 1e étage, salle Delamarre
75005 Paris

Métro / RER : Luxembourg / St Michel

Cette conférence a été rendue possible grâce à Nalini Delvoye, dans le cadre de la direction d’études « Histoire et philologie de l’Inde médiévale et moghole, XIIIe-XVIIIe siècles » et de l’équipe EPHE EA 2719 « Inde médiévale et moderne : textes et contextes »


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